Dec 26, 2013
Cypress Grove Chèvre found out we'd mentioned their delicious cheeses about a thousand times on the show. To show their appreciation, they sent us 12 lbs of cheese and $100 to come up with a pairing episode. Oh, what a beautiful day.
Bermuda Triangle (Jester King
Atrial Rubicite)
Humboldt Fog (Orval)
Truffle Tremor...
Dec 18, 2013
Tis the season for Christmas and holiday beers. Santa's brought us 5 of them this time, but are they what we asked for, or lumps of coal?
Full Sail Wreck the Halls
Anchor Our Special Ale
Southern Tier 2XMAS
St. Bernardus Christmas Ale
Delirium Noel
1. St. Bernardus Christmas
2. Anchor Christmas...
Dec 13, 2013
Ah, Goose Island. Once the darling of the craft beer community, the brewery has come under criticism after being purchased by AB Inbev. So how's the beer doing? We dig into some of their vintage ales series to see.
Pepe Nero
Pere Jacques
1. Halia
2. Lolita
3. Matilda
Dec 4, 2013
Our buddy Beau Paul of and joins us for what turn out to be 3 great beers, 2 good ones, and a stinker.
Paradox The Nihilist (from Joshua Blake)
COOP F5 IPA (from Evan Gundy)
New Belgium Le Terroir
Mikkeller Spontankriek
Odell Fernet Aged Porter
Two Brothers Bare Tree (From Joe Money)