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Dec 18, 2013

Tis the season for Christmas and holiday beers. Santa's brought us 5 of them this time, but are they what we asked for, or lumps of coal?

Full Sail Wreck the Halls
Anchor Our Special Ale
Southern Tier 2XMAS
St. Bernardus Christmas Ale
Delirium Noel


1. St. Bernardus Christmas
2. Anchor Christmas Ale
3. Delirium Noel
4. Wreck the Halls
5. 2xMas

1. St. Bernardus Christmas
2. Anchor Christmas Ale
3. Delirium Noel
4. Wreck the Halls
5. 2xMas

1. Anchor Christmas Ale
2. St. Bernardus Christmas
3. Delirium Noel
4. Wreck the Halls
5. 2xMas

1. St. Bernardus Christmas
2. Anchor Christmas Ale
3. Wreck the Halls
4. Delirium Noel
5. 2xMas



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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anasacia Kelly, Grant Davis, and Mike Lambert.
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