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Aug 29, 2016

Anastacia's out this week, but have no fear! Rubio, Grant, and Mike are on top of it, tasting 5 beers from Tallgrass, and being ruthless to one another. Hot Pocket.

Raspberry Jam Berliner Weisse
Original Pub Ale
8-Bit Pale Ale
Songbird Saison
Top Rope IPA

The Beerists are: John Rubio, Grant Davis and Mike...

Aug 22, 2016

When we talked about New England IPAs a few weeks ago, our knowledge was pretty hazy. Luckily, a bunch of listeners corrected us, and one went so far as to send us a box full of 'em for the show. Yes yes yes yes.

Treehouse Green
Trillium & Other Half Hundred Thousand Trillion
Trillium Congress Street
Singlecut Is This...

Aug 15, 2016

For Rubio's 41st birthday, the gang decided to all bring beers they'd like to share with him. And then they all pushed Rubio's old ass down the hill he just went over.

Kuhnhenn Raspberry Eisbock
Almanac Farmer's Reserve Grand Cru
Kasteel Trignac XII
Sante Adairius West Ashley
Jester King Equipoise

The Beerists are: John...

Aug 8, 2016

Respect is such a strong word. It's should be earned, and shouldn't be thrown around willy-nilly to get your product talked about on our show. If they'd listened, they probably wouldn't have sent that email we open with. Also, we review 5 beers!

Union Old Pro
Alaskan Smash Galaxy
4 Hands Constellation (Falconer's...

Aug 1, 2016

Once in a while, things go in directions nobody can anticipate when 4 dopes drink 5 beers. For instance, I'm not sure why unfortunate rodents came up twice. Or what Phil Collins and pocket pizza have to do with anything.

Funkwerks Amarillo
The Collective Brewing Project Petite Golden Sour
Casey Saison
Jolly Pumpkin...