Jun 29, 2020
It’s a huge day for The Beerists! Not only because we get to try 4 beers from NC’s Wise Man Brewing, but also because we’re celebrating the anniversary of a very special show milestone!
Theme Music by Adrian Quesada
Break Music: All the Colors Are Long...
Jun 22, 2020
We're tasting 4 beers from local favorite Austin Beerworks! Also- Rubio Wile E. Coyotes through some wood, Grant’s lawnmower is a death fan, and time is running out for our favorite Canadian.
Theme Music by Adrian Quesada
Break Music: Pressure by...
Jun 15, 2020
Thin Man Brewery was kind enough to send us some beer to review! Also: Grant's "Trunks" story; and a little more serious talk about racism, police violence, and finding our place in that discussion.
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Guardian Brewing Co in Saugatuck, MI!
Jun 8, 2020
We’re trying 4 beers from East Austin’s Zilker Brewing Co this time! Mike shares his experiences of protests unfolding around him, which were still developing the day this was recorded.
Featured Free Ads:
Guardian Brewing Co in Saugatuck, MI!