Aug 9, 2012
Six mind-blowingly great Double IPAs go toe to toe in a battle for the ages. OMG HOPS EVERYWHERE!
Hair of The Dog Blue Dot
The Alchemist Heady Topper
Russian River Pliny the Elder
Firestone Walker Double Jack
Ballast Point Dorado
Ninkasi Tricerahop
1. Pliny the Elder
2. Heady Topper
3. Blue Dot
4. Dorado
5. Double Jack
6. Tricerahops
1. Pliny the Elder
2. Heady Topper
3. Dorado
4. Blue Dot
5. Double Jack
6. Tricerahops
1. Heady Topper
2. Pliny the Elder
3. Blue Dot
4. Dorado
5. Tricerahops
6. Double Jack
1. Heady Topper
2. Pliny the Elder
3. Dorado
4. Double Jack
5. Blue Dot
6. Tricerahops
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, and Grant Davis. With Mike Lambert.
Theme music provided by Defalated Ballon.
Special Thanks to The Famous for letting us use their song, "The Pliny the Elder Song."