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May 31, 2012

Episode 6 - Saisons

It's the season for Saisons! Join us as we taste 6 fantastic beers on this weeks episode of The Beerists Podcast. With special guest, John Harvey.

Saison DuPont
Goose Island Sofie
Three Floyds Rabbid Rabbit
Ommegang Hennepin
Boulevard Tank 7
Fantome Hiver


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May 24, 2012

Episode 5 - Hefeweizens

Five Hefes enter, one reigns supreme. We talk about those yummy wheaty Bavarian treats, gag on a spoiled beer, and judge Rubio for buying the wrong beer.

Julius Echter Hefe-Weiss
Ayinger Brau-weisse
Schneider Weisse
Paulaner Hefe-Weizen*
Shiner Hefeweizen
Live Oak Hefeweizen

*Spoiled bottle...

May 19, 2012

Episode 4 - A Chaotic Look at Three Floyds Brewing Company

We're back from Dark Lord Day with 7 Three Floyds beers! Most of them were pretty high in alcohol, so we went off the rails and into a beer-addled chaos with this one. So crack open and pour a bottle of suds and join us for a wild ride.

Gumball Head
Lord Admiral...

May 14, 2012

Episode 3 - Sourpalooza

Sours! This is a special show, in that there really isn't a specific style of sour beer we're drinking- We were just in the mood to pucker the hell up. We drink 6 awesome sour beers, try and describe what we're tasting, and rank them in order of favorites.

Cascade Blueberry
Russian River...