Dec 30, 2018
A box full of beers from Rhode Island is on deck, thanks to listener Tony Bonvechio! Also our good friend (and no stranger to our longest-time listeners) Ryan Mesch is back in the studio, just in time to hear us dole out our first Knighthood! Also we're taking a week off to celebrate the holidays, but we'll be back with...
Dec 24, 2018
Listener Andy Richter-Claus puts us to the test with a blinded box of gift wrapped beers! Can we guess them correctly? What with Anastacia attacked by lizards & wasps, Rubio's prank gone bad, Grant's head trauma, and Mike saying "pejorative" too much.
We unboxed this episode's beers in a video on our
Dec 17, 2018
We got some North Carolina beers from listener Michael Lane, Grant and Anastacia tell some terrible jokes making Mike funnier, and Rubio accidentally invents pants.
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Dec 9, 2018
Some listener beers and a couple from breweries on this one! Plus, we got a super dodgy gift from a long time listener, Anastacia tells a joke, and Grant makes fun of Mike.
Dec 3, 2018
Anastacia's back, baby! And to celebrate, we're opening a bunch of specialty release New Glarus beers that listener Nick Levitt gave us! We also come up with breakthrough liver technology, and realize just how much Mike embodies Japan.