Nov 25, 2019
It's been ages since we sampled beers from Washington state, but wait no more, thanks to listener Andy Swinnerton! Grant waits for emoji releases, Rubio has bedroom swords, and hey- is Cicerone certification worth it?
Nov 18, 2019
Listener Danny Radditz hooked us up with some Great Notion! We try 5 of those, Mike clowns on the title of the show, Rubio shares his childhood career wish, and we bloom some onions.
The Beerists are: John Rubio Grant Davis, Laura Christie,...
Nov 11, 2019
Four beers from Oregon and one from Washington, thanks to listener Jeremy Starck! Mike hates his laugh, Rubio talks about life with a teacher, and everything else is all around kinda loose-goose.
The Beerists...
Nov 3, 2019
Oklahoma's own Roughtail Brewing Co sent us some beers to try! Also, Rubio reviewed Grant’s new podcast, "Who Pods The Watchmen," Laura brought us some dessert hot sauce, and Mike doesn't know anything about Harry Potter.