Nov 26, 2018
Aside from the 5 brews our listener Bendan so graciously sent us, this episode gets pretty into butt stuff for some reason- Life hacks, interesting variations, and even a new module for your inner voice.
Nov 19, 2018
Listener Shane sent us 5 hop bombs from Massachusetts, which is a word Grant says weirdly. On Rubio's show.
The Beerists are: John Rubio, Grant Davis, and Mike Lambert.
Point your...
Nov 12, 2018
We've got 5 different beers from all over the county on this one- A couple from the store, a couple sent to us by breweries, and one from a listener! Plus, we moan about daylight savings time, Mike is an expert on pearls, and Grant gets his first tattoo.
Nov 5, 2018
Listener Patrick Witthaus dropped a ton of Night Shift cans on us for this episode. Which was very difficult to focus on, what with Grant's Halloween mustache situation and Daylight Savings Time looming over us- look forward to a sad ending.
The Beerists are: John Rubio,...