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Feb 16, 2015

We drink five 9+ percent beers while Grant namedrops horrible band names. Anastacia calls in sick, Mike is in bliss, and Rubio's girlfriend drops in for the second half. Apologies for the music.

Three Brothers Savage Blonde
Firestone Walker Maltose Falcons
The Lost Abbey Track 10
Alesmith Decadence 2012
Green Flash Palate Wrecker



Maltose Falcon
Savage Blonde
Palate Wrecker
Decadence 2012 Anniversary
Track 10

Maltose Falcon
Savage Blonde
Palate Wrecker
Decadence 2012 Anniversary
Track 10

Maltose Falcon
Savage Blonde
Palate Wrecker
Track 10
Decadence 2012 Anniversary


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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Grant Davis, and Mike Lambert. Featuring a cameo by Kayla Kromer.
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