Jun 11, 2017
We're all sick, so we missed record a new episode for the 1st time in 5 years. Luckily, we had 3 minis banked, so Rubio edited them into an episode. With Rubio, Grant, Anastacia, Mike, and listeners, Shane, Danele, 2 other Mikes, and Jay.
Finnriver Habanero Cider
Le Pere Jules Cidre de Normandie
With Rubio, Grant, Anastacia, and Mike
Jester King SPON Raspberry & Cherry
Cantillon Kriek
With Rubio, Jay, Danele, and Shane
3 Floyd's Chevalier Bertrand Du Guesclin
With Rubio, Mike, Mike, and Shane
The Beerists are: John Rubio, Grant Davis, Anastacia Kelly, and Mike Lambert.
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