Apr 11, 2016
Fruit is being added to beer more and more as the years go on. We try 5 fruity beers on this episode, talk about Grant's recent mini episode, and run some questions by Mike at the end.
Marz Jungle Boogie Pineapple
Transient Apricot Ardent
Omnipollo Abrahadabra
Founders Mango Magnifico con Calor
Pipeworks Cherry Murderous: The Lookout
The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, and Grant Davis.
1. Omnipollo Abrahadabra
2. Marz Jungle Boogie Pineapple
3. Pipeworks Cherry Murderous: The Lookout
4. Transient Apricot Ardent
5. Founders Mango Magnifico con Calor
1. Omnipollo Abrahadabra
2. Marz Jungle Boogie Pineapple
3. Pipeworks Cherry Murderous: The Lookout
4. Transient Apricot Ardent
5. Founders Mango Magnifico con Calor
1. Omnipollo Abrahadabra
2. Marz Jungle Boogie Pineapple
3. Transient Apricot Ardent
4. Pipeworks Cherry Murderous: The Lookout
5. Founders Mango Magnifico con Calor
1. Transient Apricot Ardent
2. Omnipollo Abrahadabra
3. Marz Jungle Boogie Pineapple
4. Pipeworks Cherry Murderous: The Lookout
5. Founders Mango Magnifico con Calor
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