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Dec 16, 2014

Caroline Wallace of joins us to share 5 saisons that prove that sometimes a saison isn't a saison.

Perennial Dual Artisanship
Anchorage Love Buzz
BRU 2nd Anniversary Imperial Saison
Adelbert's Contemplating Waterloo
Trinity Little Death Ride



1. Adelbert's Contemplating Waterloo
2. Anchorage Love Buzz
3. Trinity Little Death Ride
4. Perennial Dual Artisanship
5. BRU 2nd Anniversary Imperial Saison

1. Adelbert's Contemplating Waterloo
2. Anchorage Love Buzz
3. Trinity Little Death Ride
4. Perennial Dual Artisanship
5. BRU 2nd Anniversary Imperial Saison

1. Trinity Little Death Ride
2. Anchorage Love Buzz
3. Adelbert's Contemplating Waterloo
4. Perennial Dual Artisanship
5. BRU 2nd Anniversary Imperial Saison

1. Anchorage Love Buzz
2. Adelbert's Contemplating Waterloo
3. Perennial Dual Artisanship
4. Trinity Little Death Ride
5. BRU 2nd Anniversary Imperial Saison


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The Beerists are: JoJohn Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Grant Davis, and Caroline Wallace.
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